Important SEO Trends That Are Dominating in 2022

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to improve its reach and visibility. SEO is an essential aspect of digital marketing. 

In the internet age, where wishes can be fulfilled with the ease of one-touch, people carry out billions of searches every year to get hold of the products and services they desire. Hence, there is immense competition among brands and companies for their product to be the first one people come across. 

This is where SEO comes in handy. It allows you to create a distinct online presence in contrast to competitors and transform your potential customers into loyal ones.

In today’s digitally complex environment, the SEO industry has become quite unpredictable, with the ranking factors changing from time to time. As a company or brand, you must keep up with all the new insights and trends to promote your content’s reach and update your SEO strategies. 

As an SEO Agency in the UK that has been in the industry for the past seven years, we have our fingers on the pulse of search engines. Some trends have continued for the past several years; however, some have been recently introduced. 

Let us take a look at the SEO trends that are dominating in 2022.

1. Voice Search

Voice search is the new future! With the passage of time, the voice search feature has been gaining more and more popularity. This is because people prefer to carry out their tasks in the easiest way possible. It has been estimated that almost 50% of all searches are performed by voice. Hence, along with being text-friendly, your web content needs to be voice-friendly too. 

There are a few ways to optimise your content for voice search. The keywords used on the keyboard differ significantly from those used during speech. Hence, it would be best to adopt long and conversational keywords since people are likely to say longer sentences. For example, when searching for SEO trends, a person using a keyboard may write, “SEO Trends 2020,” but a person using the voice search feature would most likely say, “What are the SEO trends that will help increase my content visibility?” 

2. Visual Search 

Whether Millennials, Gen Zs, or Boomers, everyone is taking advantage of the Google Lens in today’s world. Hence, visual search has started becoming more popular over time. It primarily offers ease with regard to shopping, directions, copying image text, or identifying places. Hence, you must be up to date and create your content in ways that suit all the unique forms of searches. 

If you wish to make your content rank high on Google Lens, you need to make it mobile-friendly since everyone uses Google Lens through their mobile phones. 

3. Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are the tools that measure page experience. The better the page experience you provide to users, the greater the chances of your website to rank higher. The three performance metrics that lie under core web vitals include:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): it measures the total time taken for the content block to load on a website. Ideally, websites must have an LCP of 2.5 seconds or less. Any website that takes much longer than this automatically goes down in search rankings. 
  • First Input Delay (FID): it measures how long it takes for the user to interact with the website. For example, if a user first clicks on your contact information after opening the website, FID will consider the seconds of inactivity in between. Ideally, websites must have an FID of 100ms or less. 
  • Cumulative Layout Shifts (CLS): it measures the unexpected layout shifts that happen until a person uses your website. Your CLS score shoots up if there are unnecessary pop ups, third-party widgets, or unspecified dimensions. Ideally, your CLS score must be 0.1 or less. 
4. Search Intent

Simply creating content should not be your goal in today’s competitive world as it will not take you anywhere; instead, you must create content with intent. Hence, search intent has become one of the essential factors in 2022 that can help your website to rank higher.

 If you know what your potential customers are searching for, only then can you effectively satisfy their needs. The Google algorithm is getting smarter day by day and only presenting customers with the information, products, and services they desire. Therefore, if your content does not align with the search content, it will not reach your potential clients. 

5. E-A-T

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) is one of the most effective SEO trends of 2022. It caters to writing high-quality and valuable content for users. 

  • Expertise: your content writers must be experts in the field they are writing about. They should possess in-depth knowledge of the topic, so readers genuinely benefit from it.
  • Authoritativeness: your company should have a strong reputation among influencers, so when people open your website or content, they are likely to trust you and avail of your services and products. 
  • Trustworthiness: be legitimate and accurate about everything you post on your website. If the google algorithms sense content that is not credible, your website will lose its ranking. 
Looking for Further Assistance?

If you are looking for a trusted SEO Agency in UK to help increase your reach and visibility, please feel free to contact us. Since the beginning, Trajital’s focus has been to achieve excellence and consistency within all sectors and niches. Having dealt with solopreneurs and big brands, our dedicated and dynamic team can help your business achieve pivotal milestones. 

With ample marketing and SEO experience, we have managed to keep our client retention rate smooth. Let’s work together and create something valuable and unique. 

You can call us, email us, or fill out the contact form on our website.



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