6 Steps To Optimising Your Website

Optimising your website for SEO is a crucial part of creating a website that cannot be overlooked in any case. It ensures that your website is working properly and brings more traffic to it. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation; it is a tool that determines what content gets ranked on search browsers. 

Google is the most commonly used search browser in the world, and it has certain criteria for its search engine that crawls through websites to rank them according to their value. Here are the steps you can follow to optimise your website for SEO to get ranked higher.

Trajital is a local SEO service company in London. We have a devoted team of marketers who are passionate about all things marketing and work hard to create strategies that help our client’s business’ rank.

1. Analyse The Data

Analysing the data is vital to understand what things work in your favour. One piece of data might not make much of a difference, but when you focus on a lot of data, you might see some problems. For instance, it is fine if one of your customers cannot click on your CTA. 

However, if a large percentage of your customers cannot click on your CTA, it might be a problem you need to solve. User behaviour reports can help you understand what pages users spend their time most on. This data can help you improve your website and enhance the user experience.

2. Keyword Research

You must have heard about keywords at every step of SEO and digital marketing. Many years ago, it was easier to rank your website on Google, you could use any keyword and put it multiple times in random places, but SEO does not work that way anymore. 

It would be best if you searched for keywords related to your content and put them in a way that increases the readability of your content. There are many tools that can help you search for the relevant keywords for your website.

3. Optimise On-Page SEO

On-page SEO tells you about optimising your website while building pages. You need to work on the headlines, subheadlines, URL slugs, and meta descriptions. Use your primary keywords in your headlines as close to the beginning as possible and use them in the body of your text and subheadlines as well. Make sure you put enough context in the body for Google to understand what you are talking about.

4. Optimise Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is when you optimise your website’s external links, i-e., influencers, guest blogging, or any social media activity. It is just as important as on-page SEO. Adding backlinks to your content can also help you gain customers and Google’s trust but make sure you don’t put links to small and unreliable sites. Aim for well-respected publications to increase the credibility of your brand.

5. Mobile Optimisation

A few years ago, mobile optimisation was not necessary for any website. However, things have changed now; Google puts much value in mobile optimisation because most of the users now mostly use their mobile phones to browse something. Y

our audience should have to zoom in to your text and pictures to see something; the mobile-friendliness of your website enhances the user experience. Google has also made a new algorithm that it now uses the mobile version of the website to crawl through, which makes this step even more important.

6. Work On The Speed

How often does it happen that you return from a website because it took forever to load? It always happens if the website is not fast enough. No one has time to sit and wait for the websites to load. Google pushes websites that can load faster, so you must focus on your website’s speed and ensure it does not take longer than a few seconds to load.


Optimising your website is the first step you must focus on while creating it. Without following the proper guide, there won’t be any chances for your business to rank, and Google changes its algorithm every day, so it can be difficult to keep up with all the changes, which is why you need to hire a local SEO service company to take care of this matter for you.

Trajital is one of the best local SEO agencies operating in the UK. Our marketers have the expertise to make your business reach new heights.

You can reach out to us via phone, email, or fill out our contact form.



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