Top Ranking Factors For SEO in 2022

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to improve its reach and visibility. SEO is a fundamental part of digital marketing. People carry out hundreds of thousands of searches every month to look for the desired products and services. There is immense competition among brands and companies to be the first one their potential customer comes across. This is where SEO comes in handy. It allows you to stand out from competitors and transform your potential clients into loyal customers.

Many people keep updating their websites and content but can still not rank in the top searches. Are you also facing this issue? No need to worry anymore as Trajital will help you solve your problem! 

Providing marketing and SEO service in the UK for the past seven years has made us competent and well-aware of the top SEO ranking factors. These factors keep changing; hence, keeping up with them can often be challenging. 

Let us take a look at the top-ranking SEO factors for 2022.

1. Consistent publication of engaging content

Content is what can either drive customers towards you or away from you. There are three important things that you must keep in mind during content creation. Your content should be:


Your content must be useful and valuable to customers. No matter how developed and visually appealing your website is, if your customers feel that the content does not provide adequate information, they will go back without contacting you. They would also be more likely to avoid your content in the future. This customer behaviour will be registered and will lead to the downfall of your website in search engines. Google, in particular, lays a lot of emphasis on content quality and makes top-notch ones rank higher. Hence, you must write informative and engaging blogs, product descriptions, or captions. 

Original and unique

Originality is another key factor for achieving a high ranking. If your content is similar or simply paraphrased from other websites, there are few chances it would reach your potential customers. Moreover, your website’s crawling rate would also slow down if duplicating other websites’ content is a norm for your company. 

Up-to-date and fresh

By keeping the content up to date, you do not only step up in the search engine but are more likely to be trusted by customers. Especially if you are a company that deals with current affairs, news, trends, and insights, you must keep posting fresh and relevant content on your website. 

2. Keyword Optimization

Using correct and relevant keywords is one of the most apparent yet intellectual factors that can increase your ranking. Suppose your company can get hold of all the essential words or statements your customers are typing to search for the products and services you provide and effectively incorporate them into the content. In that case, your chances of ranking high can increase significantly. 

Please ensure that you give extra attention to the placement and concentration of keywords since they greatly influence the search ranking. If you require any SEO service in UK, please reach out to us. 

3. Page Speed

Please regularly check the time your website takes to load its content. Website speed is an important ranking factor on Google. In today’s world, people need quick responses. Even a few seconds’ delay can make them go back and make you lose a precious customer. You can take a few steps to make your website load faster. You can compress images, remove unnecessary codes, or enable browser caching. 

4. Site Security

If your site does not have an SSL certificate (an s at the end of HTTP), then, Google is unlikely to rank it. This is because it does not want its users to use websites that are not highly encrypted. 

5. Backlinks

Backlinks are hyperlinks that allow users to move from one site to another. They are an important aspect of ranking algorithms. Content and backlinks work together to increase your reach. If you can place your backlink on an already high-ranked website, your site’s chances of high ranking increase too. This is because your site is also considered credible and trustworthy. 

6. User Experience

Another important ranking factor is your website’s user experience (UX). The better the UX you provide, the greater the chances of your website to appear in top searches. There are some factors that can influence user experience. These include:

  • Click-through-rate: this indicates the percentage of users that open your website by clicking it. 
  • Bounce rate: this indicates the number of users who clicked on your website but went back without engaging with the content. It would be best if you worked to decrease the bounce rate as much as possible. 
  • Dwell time: this indicates the total time a user spends on your website. The greater the dwell time, the higher the chances of your website appearing in top searches.
Looking for Further Assistance?

If you require assistance with SEO service in the UK, website design and development, or any kind of marketing to increase your reach and visibility, please feel free to contact us.

Since the beginning, our focus has been to achieve excellence and consistency within all sectors and niches. Having dealt with solopreneurs and big brands, our dedicated and dynamic team can help your business reach pivotal milestones. 

Having ample experience in the marketing and SEO service UK industry, we have managed to keep our client retention rate smooth. Let’s work together and create something valuable and unique. 

You can call us, email us, or fill out the contact form on our website.



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