How To Optimise Your Site For Google SEO In 2023?

As a business owner, it is hardly possible that you haven’t heard the term SEO when you talk about marketing. It has been the main source of generating organic traffic for businesses on the internet. To answer all the questions about SEO, we have written this blog. However, we need to understand the basics first to really understand what wonders this marketing tool can do for your business.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When you search for this term, you might find a lot of definitions, but they will surely tell you the same thing. SEO is a marketing tool that is used by brands and businesses to grow organically on the internet. It allows the browsers to rank the most relevant page at the top so the user can easily find it. The higher you rank on the search browser, the better traffic you’ll have on your website.

SEO has been one of the most effective ways of marketing for many years. It takes time to work its magic, but it surely puts your brand on the map. Potential customers can easily find your business if it ranks higher on the search browser, which is the primary reason for the popularity of SEO. There are SEO companies that provide professional SEO services to their clientele, so they can benefit from this tool without having to worry about it.

Why Is It Important?

In this digitised world, it is almost impossible for a brand to make it big without digitally marketing its business. Everyone is on social media these days, and it provides a great opportunity for business owners as they can reach a much bigger audience on the internet. However, some businesses still fail to understand the importance of SEO in today’s marketing. It is essential to get your brand as high as possible on the search engine so more and more people can find your business. If someone refuses to make their website SEO optimised, they might be able to do good without it, but they certainly cannot do great.

What Is Google SEO?

Google is a search engine, as we all know. It is the most prominent and used browser in the world. Google SEO refers to the algorithms Google values and sees while crawling websites to rank in its results. If you make your website SEO optimised, as Google suggests, it will rank your business in its deserving position, and you can get traffic on your website.

What Does It Mean By Site Optimization?

Site optimization means that you create your website according to the guidelines provided by the search engine. Google or other search engines cannot rank your website until you follow their guidelines. The search engine will do it after crawling if your site checks all the necessary steps and is ready to rank. Hence, it is vital to optimise your website for SEO if you want to rank higher on Google.

How Can I Optimise My Website For Google SEO?

Google has made a number of guidelines for business owners to consider if they want to grow organically with the help of SEO. It is essential to follow the guidelines, and a professional SEO agency can help you do it. Once you have a website ready to go live, make sure that you follow these basic guidelines that will help you optimise your website for SEO.

Page Speed

Today the world is faster than ever. No one has the time to sit around and wait while your website takes an entire minute to load. It has been noticed that people tend to switch websites if a site takes more than 3 seconds to load. Google provides users with multiple search results, so the user might not have a good enough reason to wait for your site to load. Before they switch to other websites, ask your professional SEO company to make sure that the page speed of your website is top-notch, so Google also gets a reason to rank it higher. 

Mobile Version

Google has made it official that it crawls websites with its mobile versions now. The reason for this change is that people nowadays prefer to browse on their phones. It is more convenient for them to search for things on their way to work or home. They no longer have to sit in front of a PC to browse. Mobile phones have made this easier, and users are in no mood to deny this convenience. If you don’t make your website mobile-friendly, the user will have a tough time seeing your content. Hence, if a brand wants to rank higher, Google has made mobile-friendliness a requirement.

URL Structure

Google also requires websites to have a unique URL to crawl and index them. URL is like an address that tells Google and the users the location of your website. While creating a URL, you should make sure that it is simple but descriptive at the same time. If you keep it too simple, it might seem like spam to Google and the users. It is also essential to avoid using any duplicate URLs, so the users and Google don’t get confused. A professional SEO agency can help you come up with unique and effective URL structures, as they usually have a lot of experience under their belt.

Link Building

Basic link building is essential for SEO optimization. It increases the credibility of your site, and Google wants to provide its users with relevant and authentic information. You can prove the credibility of your website by attaching other authentic sites’ links to your content and asking other website owners to use your link on their content. Both of these ways tell Google that the information you have provided is authentic and credible. You must also do internal linking by linking your one page to another. This will enhance the user experience, and Google will know that your content is valuable to the users.

Use Keywords

Probably the most misused factor in SEO is keyword infusion. There was a time when Google used to rank websites simply because they had stuffed the searched keywords in the content. It worked back in the day, but Google has become smarter now. Some people still think keyword stuffing can get them ranked on Google, but that doesn’t happen anymore. You need to use relevant keywords in the right places to make an impact on Google now.

How Important Are Keywords In SEO?

Keywords are the most important factor in SEO for many reasons. One is the primary source for users to search for their desired content. Users generally type the keywords of the content they are looking for, or they speak with a voice assistant. In any case, keywords play a vital role in bringing their desired content to them. Without proper keyword infusion, your targeted audience might not find your website even if you have fulfilled all the other requirements of Google. Keyword infusion is necessary, but you must also ensure that you only use relevant keywords in the right place.

404 Errors

How many times does it happen that you visit a website and a 404 error occurs on the screen? It sure feels annoying, and that is why Google wants you to fix all the errors in your website, so users don’t face any such problems. A website with broken links only sends negative signals to not only users but Google as well. So no matter how valuable your content may be, if you have broken links on your site, it might nullify all your efforts. So make sure your website is all ready to go live and ask a professional SEO company to help you with it.

Title Tag & Meta Description

The title of your content is also essential to grab your customers’ attention. You can write a 6000-word blog with all the useful information, but your effort might be in vain if you fail to attract customers with a unique title. Customers need to see the importance of your content from the title itself. Similarly, meta descriptions also provide value to the customers as they provide a little insight into a long blog in a few lines. These factors might not be as vital in the ranking algorithm for Google; however, they are important for user experience, and Google always prioritises that.


It’s a no-brainer that you need to have valuable content on your site if you want Google to rank it. You cannot post once a month and expect Google to rank your website on the first page. There are businesses that put out content for users every day, and consistency is the key when it comes to SEO. You need to post good and valuable content for users regularly so Google can notice your efforts. There is also a wide range of types of content you can post on your website. Podcasts and short videos are currently extremely popular among users. Ask a professional SEO agency to help you identify the right time of content for your business and create a schedule for it so you can be regular.


Visual content appeals more to the users than long and boring paragraphs. While Google cannot read images, it can still identify whether the context is valuable to the users or not. You can use the standard image formats but make sure that you rename the images you’re using and try to describe them a little in the name of Google. For example, if you are attaching an image of a bench, you should name it “black-bench” so Google can know that it is an image of a black bench. You should also add Alt text beneath your image but make sure you don’t make it too descriptive.

Difference Between Google On-Page & Off-Page SEO

New business owners feel the most confused when they have to deal with on-page and off-page SEO. This is why a professional SEO company is a right choice to hand over your marketing concerns to. They are experts with proper knowledge of the tool so that they can handle both on-page and off-page SEO according to the requirements.

  • On-page SEO refers to the factors that are focused on optimising your website, and these techniques are under your control.
  • Off-page SEO refers to the factors focused on promoting your site around the web.
On-Page SEO

Everything you do on your website to rank higher on Google comes under on-page SEO. When you are thinking of page speed, mobile friendliness, title tags, and meta descriptions, you are thinking about on-page SEO. This SEO factor ensures that the search engine crawls, indexes, and understands your content. On-page SEO also works to enhance user experience so your users can get the best results. Following are some of the factors that impact on-page SEO.

Factors Affecting On-Page SEO

A lot of the factors we mentioned above are from on-page SEO. Mobile-friendliness, alt text images, title tags, etc., all work together to make your website good enough for the first page of Google. Google usually focuses more on on-page SEO since the website determines the user experience. Having a good off-page SEO strategy is of no use if your website is not well-designed and user-friendly.

HTML headers also play a vital role in on-page SEO. This is when you specify tags, headlines, and subheads within the page. It helps the users read and understand the content better, and Google can also understand the content easily with HTML headers.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO contains all the activities you do on the internet to promote your business outside your website. You might use a third party to add your link to their website, so the customers are indirectly directed toward your brand. This part of SEO focuses on getting your website in talks on other sites. While backlinking is a significant part of off-page SEO, there’s a lot more to it.

Factors Affecting Off-Page SEO

Following are some more factors that affect off-page SEO for your brand.

Social Media: The number of likes and comments on your social media page doesn’t determine the progress of your business entirely, but it is essential to know that social media holds importance in off-page SEO. If you market your business on social media sites and attach your website’s link to the post, customers will be directed to your website, and it counts as off-page SEO because you are using a third-party platform.

Unlined Mentions: Linking your website to another is not the only strategy in off-page SEO. Every time someone mentions your website, it is rare that they attach the link, and even if they do, it can seem suspicious to Google. Mention of your website without attaching the link has just as much of an impact. It can work as a citation, and your credibility will still be proven.

Are Both On-Page And Off-Page SEO Necessary?

To make an impact and progress with your Google ranking, you need to ensure that both the on-page and off-page SEO of your site is done right. Ignoring one while focusing on the other won’t help you. While Google might focus on on-page SEO, off-page SEO is just as important to build your website’s credibility. A professional SEO agency can help you stay relevant and at the top while focusing on both strategies. They have experts who are skilled enough to carry both on-page and off-page strategies alongside. The best SEO agency won’t allow you to fall short on any department, and that is exactly what you need as a business owner. A dependable marketing team to rely on.

Final Thoughts

Website optimization can seem like a hassle for new business owners as they already have a lot to take care of and might not have time to carry out marketing strategies as efficiently. To help them in these areas, professional SEO services are provided by several agencies. A professional SEO company will not let you neglect SEO. You can hire them and continue to focus on building your brand while they bring your marketing game to new heights with their efforts.

Trajital provides professional SEO services to our clientele in the UK. We have an expert team of marketers who are well aware of the changing algorithms of Google and are more than ready to help you get to the top. We aim to build trustable relationships with our clientele and work tirelessly to provide them with nothing but the best.

Contact the best SEO agency in the UK and leave your SEO-related concerns to us.


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