Get Ahead Of Your Competitors With These SEO Trends In 2023

Technology is growing with each passing day, and it is getting harder to stay updated with frequent changes. It is difficult to predict how SEO is going to change in the next few years which makes planning for your marketing strategies a bit nerve-wracking. As we step foot in 2023, business owners will need new and creative strategies to build their digital presence, and a professional SEO company can help you get your organic growth on the right track. 

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Many business owners are confused with the introduction of this search engine-related tool alone because it is an ever-changing side of search marketing. It is designed to help browsers determine the ranking of websites and content. Brands need to develop effective SEO strategies to ensure that their websites rank higher on search browsers. The higher your website ranks, the more traffic it will get. An efficient SEO agency in London can help you develop viable SEO strategies that will put your business on the map.

If you’re aiming to prepare for SEO strategy in the future years, keep reading to learn more about this marketing tool in detail. Following are some SEO trends that you need to focus on in 2023.

PS: Before jumping into SEO strategies, make sure that you have a fantastic website to rely upon. Trajital can help you design an appealing website for your brand. We are an emerging SEO company in London, and our skilled designers are well-versed and updated with the ever-changing algorithms to help our clientele get the best possible results.

Voice Search Optimization

Technology today is smarter than ever. Voice search assistants are taking over the world with revolutionary depth in terms of machine learning. We have all used at least one of the voice assistants from Siri, Alexa, or Google Assisstant. People are getting more comfortable with this advancement, and it has also made browsing more convenient. It is one of the most popular SEO trends, and it allows the user to use natural language to search for things. Optimizing your website for voice search will allow you to become more reachable to the customers as they will be able to search for your business with this technology.

Voice commands are usually longer than typed queries, so you can use long-tailed keywords that mirror how people would speak. This way, the algorithm can crawl your website for this feature better and rank it higher and increase visibility.

Optimize Your Website

Creating a website is not all it requires to rank in SEO. You need to optimize your website according to the algorithm for it to be ranked. As we said, one way of optimizing your website is voice search; however, there are also some other things you can do to boost the ranking of your website.

  • It has been witnessed in the last few years that most searches are done on mobile phones. People are more comfortable with using their phones for browsing, and it is also convenient. Hence, it is important to optimize your website for mobile searches, so all the users get a good experience. Google also crawls the website with their mobile-optimized versions, and if you don’t have mobile optimization, the chances of your website ranking would be much lower.

  • Another thing that can help your website rank is structuring. You need to use headers, H1, H2, etc., to structure your website, so your content is more organized and easy to crawl.

If you follow these steps for optimization, the chances of ranking will be improved. An
SEO agency in London can help you make that happen with their exceptional skills and marketing knowledge.

Core Web Vitals

Since 2021, Google has started giving importance to Core Web Vitals. They are the metrics that measure the performance of a website and improve overall user experience. Factors like interactivity, load time, and visual stability of the website are measured with this tool because all of them affect the user experience. Research has shown that if a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, the user abandons the site and moves to the other. In this fast world, no one has time to stay on a website for several minutes. This affects the performance of the sites; hence, Google pushes businesses to improve their core web vitals for better ranking.

If you want to ensure that the core web vitals of your website are top-tier, you can hire a professional SEO company in London at Trajital, and we will improve the user experience on your website.

Visual Search

One of the most recent and advanced updates in SEO has to be the feature of visual search. With the popularity of visual platforms like TikTok and Instagram, Google has now introduced the feature of browsing the desired result with visual search. This tool can help businesses stand apart from their competition. It is also extremely helpful for real-time searches and searches on Google maps. This update is the perfect example of how SEO doesn’t only aim to rank businesses higher in the ranking but also works to improve user experience in any way possible.

Search Intent

The user search intent is important to enhance user experience. Let’s take an example of a restaurant. For instance, you need to have lunch, and you search for “restaurants near me,” and the browser suggests you a restaurant that is an hour away from your workplace; you check another suggestion, and it is 10 minutes away, so you go to that one. Business owners need to make their intent clear so the browser can suggest more relevant content to the users. The intent behind looking for restaurants was to eat nearby, and suggesting a restaurant 1 hour away is not catering to the user’s intent.

Satisfying the customer’s search intent is Google’s first priority and if you want to ensure that your website fulfills it, reach out to an experienced SEO company in London.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The presence of AI on your website also increases your chances of getting ranked on the browser. Artificial Intelligence makes the system more efficient and also enhances user experience. Many brands have been using chatbots to accommodate their customers in real-time. They are developed in the way humans interact with each other, and it gives immediate solutions to a customer’s query, which is almost impossible when you have a person relying on the other end. Bringing AI features to your business can also play an important role in your brand’s ranking and image building.

Video Content

We have seen a rise in video content in the last couple of years. TikTok and Instagram reels have taken this feature to new heights, with billions of users putting out creative video content. Businesses also need to embrace this update and create engaging video content for their social media accounts. Engage users in trends and motivate them to make content with your trend. The consumption of video content is likely to increase more in the future years. It is a unique form of art that allows users to engage more and go viral. Not benefitting from this feature will be a missed opportunity for any business.

The reason for the rise in the popularity of visual content is that it is easier to consume, and people enjoy watching videos rather than reading promotional text or images. No one has the time to read long texts, but the same consumer can stay and watch an introduction video of a new product or service.

Create compelling and engaging video content with the help of a professional SEO company and allow your consumers to engage more with your brand. At Trajital, we provide solutions to your marketing-related issues. Our skilled marketers are always ready to serve you with their valuable knowledge and brainy ideas to boost your SEO strategies.

Local SEO

Local SEO has been in the game since 2004. Google introduced this feature to help local businesses compete with their national competitors. However, this feature has seen an immense

rise since the pandemic. COVID-19 made searches with “near me” more common, and users could find good brands and businesses that were operating locally. Before this feature, the browser did not suggest local businesses despite the user intent, but this update has allowed Google to push local businesses forward, and consumers are also more aware and open to embracing and trying businesses in their local areas.

Long Content

Long content is not directly a ranking factor in SEO, but it has been reported that long content has a better chance of ranking. Google looks for high-quality content for its users, and extended content allows you to go in-depth and be thorough with the details, so you are likely to provide more value to the customers. It also satisfies the E-A-T factor better. Google is continuously working to make its quality checker more efficient, so you need to make your content as deep and valuable as possible.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Many businesses are unaware of this update in SEO, but the AMP project is designed to provide a user-first format for web content. Originally known as accelerated mobile pages, this tool includes striped-down pages with minimized HTML. It is created to decrease the load time for the users browsing on their phones. These pages can be stored in Google’s AMP cache, and consumers can access them instantly on their mobile phones. Since there has been a rise in mobile searches, this tool has been proven extremely useful in improving the user experience. We can assist you in developing your website in the most user-friendly way with our professional SEO services in London, so your consumers can access your content on their phones.

SERP Features

Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) refer to Google search results that are beyond traditional results. Traditionally a Google search result appears as a blue link only; SERP is any element on the search that is different from it. For instance, you must have seen a Google search result providing a concise answer to the search above the link without having the user open the link. It is one of the examples of SERP features. There are different ways you can include a SERP feature in your website, and an efficient SEO company in London can help you get a hold of this SEO feature. 

Paid search results are also a feature of SERP and are also known as pay-per-click (PPC) ads. They are usually placed at the very top or the bottom of the page. They look like usual search results but with a little label of “Ad” written on them.

People Also Ask

Another SEO trend that has seen popularity is the “people also ask” tab on Google. This tab gives additional information to the users that they might find useful. To be able to land on that tab, you need to answer all the relevant questions to your topic in your content, so when people search for a related query, your content gets suggested as a related topic.

Interactive Content

Over the past few years, interactive content has been a great way to improve a brand’s engagement with its customers. Quizzes, polls, games, etc., are always gladly accepted by the users as they give them entertainment as well as build your brand’s image. Going forward, it is expected that interactive content will be even more appreciated as it provides twice the amount of results as a simple written text.

Answer Based Content

Most users nowadays are looking for relevant answers when they search for something online. Websites should optimise their content in a way that they are able to answer questions, whether they are typed or voice-commanded. You can also add an FAQ page on your website that would make getting answers more convenient, and the browser can also crawl your website better with it.

Our professional SEO services in London enable you to develop content that would answer all your consumers’ questions. You can also create interactive content with the help of a skilled SEO agency in London.


Gone are the days when keyword stuffing was used to bring great results in ranking. Google does not appreciate keyword stuffing anymore, as it wants the users to get valuable and relevant information. Businesses need to use only relevant keywords in their content so the browser can crawl the website and push it to the targeted users. Long-tailed keywords are also one of the useful SEO trends, and they are going to stay here for a long time.

In order to use relevant keywords, you will need to do thorough research to select the most appropriate and reachable keywords for your business. You can get help from an SEO agency in London to provide you with relevant keywords that would push your website to the users.

Future Of SEO

It is a known fact that technology is moving at the speed of light, and it is evolving every day. SEO also introduces new algorithms every now and then. Businesses need to stay updated with the changes to stay relevant in the industry. SEO has made digital marketing much more efficient and effective. It has made marketing affordable and reachable for all businesses. Small businesses can benefit the most from this tool as they can receive equal benefits and opportunities without paying hefty money.

Customers these days want to feel like they are personally being reached and spoken to; they look for answers on browsers expecting personalized recommendations, and SEO makes it possible. This tool has put many brands on the ranking and made them visible to the users, and it will continue to do so in the future. As the years go by, the algorithm is getting smarter and more businesses are getting the chance to benefit from this marketing tool.

Final Thoughts

SEO is the most significant invention in marketing. This tool gives you the desired results for your business, but it is also essential to understand that nothing happens overnight, even with SEO. You need to be patient and dedicated with your SEO strategies and wait for them to work. After some time, you are bound to get exceptional results, and your business will surely rank higher, but patience is the key.

Another thing to keep in mind is that there’s no limit to SEO strategies. Technology is continuously evolving, and SEO also introduces new updates for businesses to incorporate their strategies with. You need to stay updated with the most recent updates because what is working now might not work next year. 

We understand that staying updated with SEO algorithms can be difficult when you have more responsibilities as a business owner. You can hire a professional SEO agency in London to take over your marketing-related concerns to save you trouble.

Trajital provides professional SEO services in London. We have skilled and experienced marketers who are passionate about all things marketing and are determined to provide you with nothing but the best of their abilities.


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Blue decoration piece on a digital marketing agency website

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